Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sugar, It's in Our Blood!

I am taking a family history class this semester, and today we learned about doing research on our ancestors. So I typed in a few names and got a couple of hits. I found 2 really cool things though. They're not hard to find, and I'm sure many in my family have seen or already know this stuff but I thought it was crazy!!

Any who, I looked up Oris R Wallwork, my great-grandfather and there he was on a census record! Along with his brother and sister-in-law. It's so cool to see his name in print!

It also gives you the occupation and various other details. Referring back to the title of this post, sweets have always been a big thing in my family. We love chocolate, pie, cake, ice cream, cookies and especially carmel corn. Seriously though, my family is famous for its treats. I don't know if my love for sugar is bigger than the next guy, but sweetness is one of my favorite tastes.

It turns out, that right there in print, nestled between the unemployed and a book keeper is Oris. As a sugar boiler. We literally have sugar in our blood! How insane is that!? I love it! I'm finding out the craziest stuff about my heritage in this class and I'm loving it!

My 2nd cool find is the World War 1 draft card registration from my great-grandfather on my mom's side. Nephi Spendlove Workman registered for the draft at age 21. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He worked for his father, Nephi Johnson Workman, and was not disabled in any way. I can just imagine him filling out this form, just like we have to fill out forms today. It's crazy!!! This guy is my family, and I found a little piece of him. :)

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